Electric Scooter Safety Guide

E Scooter Safety Tips For Better Enjoyment and Riding Confidence

Electric scooters are fun for children and teens of all ages, but they also have the potential to be dangerous, particularly when safety precautions aren’t taken. Fortunately, there are several safety guidelines that can be followed to ensure a ride that is fun, exciting, and safe. Here’s a brief look at everything you need to know regarding electric scooter safety.


Always wear protective equipment.

Even the best electric scooter rider may find themselves involved in an accident or crash. This is why wearing a helmet is a crucial component of electric scooter safety. If the scooter doesn’t exceed 20 mph (32 km/h), a standard bicycle helmet should be sufficient. For higher speeds, a motorcycle helmet is suggested.

Other safety equipment you may want to invest in, but isn’t absolutely essential, include a safety vest that make the rider more visible to others, gloves, and knee pads. For a full list of safety equipment and accessories, visit Pure Electric.

Attach lights and/ or a reflector.

Some electric scooters come equipped with lights and reflectors, while others do not. Fortunately, it takes a matter of minutes to attach them, making it much easier for the rider to be seen, especially in low light situations, such as early morning and late evening.

Only one rider per scooter.

Most electric scooters are only intended for a single rider. While the thought of riding with a sibling or friend may be fun, this is an absolute no-no. This includes hanging on the front or back, as well as sitting more than one person on a seat at a time.

Be sure you have a clear path.

Electric scooters should be ridden on level, paved ground that is free of branches, leaves, and rocks. Bumpy, uneven, rough, slick, or wet surfaces can reduce tyre traction and increase the chances of being in an accident, as does riding over leaves, rocks, gravel, and sand. When riding, be aware of your surroundings, looking out for slippery drain covers, potholes, unleashed dogs, and more. For the safest ride, a large open area is ideal. Remember, the smoother the path, the better the ride.

Keep your eyes on the road and OFF your phone.

Never pull out your phone when riding, whether it’s to take a selfie in motion or answer a text. Instead, keep your eyes on the road and your hands on the handles. There should be absolutely no exceptions to this rule. Always stop and pull over before responding to a call or text.

Be sure the scooter is road ready before you take off.

Take five minutes and check your electric scooter before you ride. Pay careful attention to the:

  • Brakes – Are they functioning properly?
  • Tyres – Are they properly inflated? Is there any visible wear and tear?
  • Frame – Is there any damage or cracking in the frame or cabling?
  • Battery – Is the battery adequately charged?
  • Folding – Are any folding mechanisms firmly in place?
  • Throttle – Is the throttle smooth with no sticking?

Store your electric scooter upright and out of the rain.

Storing your electric scooter upright is necessary to keep others from running over it with a vehicle or tripping over it. It’s also the best way to ensure it stays in good working condition. At the same time, be sure your electric scooter is not exposed to nature’s elements. Rain, hail, and snow can cause damage and increase the wear and tear on your electric scooter. This means it will need replacing sooner rather than later.

Practice, practice, practice.

You’ll need to be acclimated your electric scooter before you can simply hop on and take off. Accelerate slowly, be sure that you are able to balance properly, and get used to applying the brake and stopping. It’s true that electric scooters aren’t hard to use, but they do take some getting used to.

Never forget the rules.

Finally, for the best electric scooter safety ride, implement these rules the minute you get an electric scooter and make certain they are adhered to 100 per cent of the time.